Climate, Covid, Racism. Change is needed but difficult.
By Benita Matofska Wildfires in Turkey, floods in Germany, racist football fans spread hatred at the Euro 2020 final, and over 4 million...
Build Back Better: Why we all need to become Changemakers and join the Social Economy
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.” Socrates The...
Build Back Better: Why we all Need to Become Changemakers
“A time of crisis is not just a time of anxiety and worry. It gives a chance, an opportunity, to choose well or to choose badly”. ...
A Poem for Businesses on Earth Day
Poetry for a Pandemic A Poem for Businesses on Earth Day As the people gasp for air And the planet starts to breathe As we stay inside...
Covid-19: How the Real Sharing Economy Will Save Us
“A time of crisis is not just a time of anxiety and worry. It gives a chance, an opportunity, to choose well or to choose badly.” Desmond...
Love in the Time of Corona: Pt 2
'A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.' Amelia Earhart Over the last...
Love in the Time of Corona
Blue skies over China, fish in Venice canals, communities in isolation serenading each other in Italy, the coronavirus may be changing...
Want to Change the World? Then Change the Narrative
If last week’s UK election has taught us anything, it’s that having a clear story with a simple, repeatable message, wins votes and...
Generation Share: How the Sharing Economy could save the Planet
Three years of research for my book Generation Share published today for Global Sharing Week evidences the untold story of how the...
Become a Change-Maker Brand: Part 7
“I’m passionate about making the right choices for the planet, when I was in school, we had to imagine future scenarios for the fashion...